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000677_owner-lightwav…bcom.webcom.com_Fri Jul 28 23:29:49 1995.msg
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Date: Sat, 29 Jul 1995 02:20:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Manuel DeSantos <manueld@pinn.net>
To: Stephen Nevins <onlynev@eskimo.com>
Cc: Joe Angell <jangell@risd.edu>,
LightWave Mailing List <lightwave@webcom.webcom.com>,
Toaster/Flyer Mailing List <toaster@webcom.webcom.com>
Subject: Re: Picasso II blues
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On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Stephen Nevins wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Joe Angell wrote:
> >
> > Hi, all. This ones a BIT off topic. I just got may Picasso II, and I
> > can't get the danm thing to wokr. I have an old A2000 and 1084S monitor,
> > thecable to convert the Amiga RGB into VGA(into the Picasso) and the cable
> > from the Picasso VGA out to the 1084S RGB in. In Amiga mode, I get red
> > bars rolling down the screen, and green bars going up in Picasso mode.
> > Any ideas? The monitor driver's set to a max. of 15KHz for the 1084 (I
> > can't afford a multiscan for a bit yet...) Even the Amiga res. stuff is
> > meessed up. I REALLY want LightWave running on the Picasso (see, this
> > really IS a LW post!) Any ideas anyone?
> >
> Joe, this is the address for the picasso newsletter Majordomo@uga.umd.edu.
> There is also some monitor drivers and the last official village software
> there. I'm using a 1950 monitor so I don't have an answer. If I can find
> the time I'll try to configure for the 1080. There is also software
> written by some third party software called Cybergraphics that is newer
> and in most cases improved over the origional software. There is a demo
> version on aminet, it's shareware and worth the price, which is $40 I think.
> the FTP site is terrapin-station.umd.edu
> Steve Nevins
By the way, the Cybergraphics driver software require that you have
Workbench 3.0 or higher. I was going to use it but I only have WB 2.1.
Manuel Desantos
Manuel DeSantos <manueld@pinn.net> sent this message.
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